AMTSO releases draft guidelines for public comment

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Aug 26, 2008

First major publication emerges from testing standards body.

The Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization, the global body set up to improve and support the testing of security software, has made available a draft of its first document, a set of general guidelines intended to encourage greater accuracy, reliability and trustworthiness in testing.

The document provides guidance on numerous aspects of testing, including strictures on ensuring the safe handling of malicious code and the running of fair, useful and accountable tests, and advice on openness and statistical validity in testing.

The document, the product of meetings held by the organisation since its foundation early this year and the formation of several committees and working groups, is now being made available for public appraisal, with a comment period running until October 17th. Final discussion and a vote on ratification of the proposed set of principles will take place at the next meeting, expected to take place in London at the end of October.

A link to the document, and details of how to submit comments, can be found on the official AMTSO blog, here. Full details on AMTSO are on their website here.

Posted on 26 August 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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