May issue of VB published

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   May 1, 2008

The May issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

The May 2008 issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to browse online or download in PDF format.

Some of the things this month's issue has in store are:

  • Online banking call to arms: 'Banking organizations have failed to pledge that they will stop sending emails that add to the confusion.' Helen Martin, Virus Bulletin
  • Algorithms for grouping similar samples in malware analysis: Malware researchers are frequently faced with huge collections of files that must be analysed to determine whether or not they are malware. Grouping the files according to their binary similarity can save time and effort. Victor Alvarez discusses the algorithms that can be used to give the malware researcher a helping hand.
  • Metamorphic authorship recognition using Markov models: Automated code morphing techniques can make malware recognition difficult. Researchers at the University of Lafayette propose a method that can be used to decide whether a binary is a variant of a known item of metamorphic malware by treating the morphing engine as an author.
  • Blended malware defence: It's a well known problem in the security industry that the time taken to get a sample to the vendor, through analysis and finally to distribute detection updates to clients, can still be much longer than it takes for the malware itself to spread. Morton Swimmer describes how the convergence of various security technologies can help accomplish the goal of spreading the cure faster than the disease.
  • eEye Digital Security Blink Professional 4.0: John Hawes takes an in-depth look at the security features of eEye Digital Security's Blink Professional and finds a solid package with impressive breadth of power.
  • Delivering reliable protection against phishing websites: Sorin Mustaca describes the creation of an automated URL filtering system for protecting against phishing websites.

Subscribers click here to access the issue.

If you are not already a subscriber why not take the chance to subscribe now.

Posted on 01 May 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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