More 'trusted sites' carrying iframe danger

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Mar 14, 2008

Big wave of website infections could affect tens of thousands of sites, Trend Micro latest victim.

Earlier this week McAfee reported a major outbreak of website infections, with as many as 20,000 sites thought to have been hit with a single wave of malicious iframe insertion attacks. Since then, Trend Micro's website has been reported as having been subjected to iframe insertion, with a selection of malware information pages thought to have been compromised and used to push drive-by downloads.

The McAfee report, here, describes the attack, using JavaScript and iframes to exploit a series of vulnerabilities, eventually leading malware downloads. A follow-up, here, gives more details.

On Wednesday Trend Micro released a warning that some of their pages had been infected and may have infected visitors, advising anyone who may have visited certain areas of the site to check their systems with updated anti-virus software. The infected pages are thought to have all been in the malware descriptions area of the site, both Japanese and English versions, and may have been live from Sunday until their discovery on Wednesday. The pages have since been taken offline.

A report on the Trend incident is in Japan's Yomiuri Shinbun, here, with a warning message from Trend (in Japanese) here. More details, including a list of the pages thought to have been infected, can be found in a Sophos blog entry here.

Posted on 14 March 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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