Latest AV-Comparatives results released

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Mar 11, 2008

Detection test shows most products improving.

Testers at AV-Comparatives have released their latest set of results, with 16 products pitted against a massive set of over 1.6 million malicious samples. In general the products fared well, with all but one achieving the 'Advanced' or 'Advanced+' level.

The standard across the tested products this time was very high, with 15 of the products detecting over 90% of malware in the test set. Microsoft's OneCare, which early last year failed to qualify for AV-Comparatives' certification, continued on a steady line of improvement but still lagged behind most of the field, scoring 93.7%. Newcomer VirusBlokAda's VBA32 achieved a creditable 87.7% on its first run in the test.

Top of the field were multi-scanner AEC TrustPort, with 99.8% overall, closely followed by Avira's Antivir, which notched up an impressive 99.6%, beating another multi-engine product, G DATA's AVK, into third. Norman showed particular improvement over previous tests, while several regular entrants, including F-PROT and Dr.Web, were omitted from this month's testing. Sophos's product, absent from AV-Comparatives' statistics for some time, put in a solid performance on its return, scoring 96.6%.

Full reports on the test and detailed detection rates can be found on the AV-Comparatives website, here.

VB's latest VB100 certification test, currently under way on Windows Vista SP1 and detailing the performance of 40 separate products, will appear in next's month issue of Virus Bulletin, available to subscribers only - subscription information is here.

Posted on 11 March 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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