Vista SP1 clashing with AV products

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 22, 2008

Service Pack causing issues for several security suites.

Microsoft has released details of several software products that are known to have problems running in conjunction with Service Pack 1 for its Vista operating system. The list includes several security products, including BitDefender 10, BitDefender Internet Security 10, Trend Micro Internet Security 2008, and Zone Alarm Security Suite 7.1.

Service Pack 1 is due for release in mid-March for keen updaters, and will begin to spawn to systems using automatic updating in mid-April. The update package promises numerous improvements focusing on 'reliability and performance', and while changes look likely to affect a range of third-party software, Microsoft has promised the update will not be applied to systems running drivers known to clash with the changes.

'It looks like all the products that have problems can be replaced with more up-to-date, compatible versions', said John Hawes, Technical Consultant at Virus Bulletin. 'We're going to be running the next VB100 test on Vista with SP1 next month, so it will be interesting to see if any more issues emerge in the large number of products we're expecting to take part.'

The list of products known to have problems on updated systems, including links to vendor replacement and workaround pages, is at Microsoft here. A Vista team blog entry, containing some details about the service pack release, is here. Details of next month's VB100 test on Windows Vista SP1 are here.

Posted on 22 February 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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