VB reveals new website design

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 20, 2008

Glossary, comments and mobile website among new additions.

Regular visitors to VB may have noticed that the site has a fresh new look as well as some changes and additions to its contents.

An improved internal search engine now makes it easier to search the site, whether searching for something in an article that appeared recently in the magazine, or the abstract of a presentation at a conference several years ago. The search engine can be accessed from the top of any page, or directly through this link.

One thing you might stumble upon during your searches is the glossary, an extensive list of common (and perhaps less common) terminology used in the anti-malware and anti-spam world.

Many recent news articles now offer the opportunity for visitors to leave comments - share your opinions on the news, relate your own personal experiences or discuss the latest happenings in the malware and anti-malware world.

Finally, for users who would require access to the site on the go, we have created a special mobile-compatible version of the site. It can be accessed from any page by clicking the pda version link at the bottom. Alternatively, to go straight to the mobile version of the site just bookmark the url
in your BlackBerry, iPod or mobile phone.

More updates are planned for the website in the near future, including a full overhaul of the malware directory and the addition of an anti-malware jobs directory - watch this space!

As always, we welcome all your feedback - we aim to keep improving the website, so that it better suits your needs.

Posted on 20 February 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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