ITV site carried scareware ads

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 21, 2008

Rogue security product pushed by ads on several UK TV sites.

Several UK television-related websites, including those of major broadcaster ITV and listings guide Radio Times, have been penetrated by rogue advertising pushing fake anti-malware products.

The ads, introduced onto the sites by compromised advertising laced with redirects, lead site visitors to downloads of 'Cleanator', a well-known rogue anti-malware program which attempts to scam victims with warnings of bogus malware infections. Apple Mac users are pushed a similar sham product reported recently for the Mac, 'MacSweeper'.

The sites in question have been informed of the suspect ads and some at least have removed the unwanted content. More details are in The Register here and on the Sophos blog here.

Posted on 21 February 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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