FTC fines spammers over $2.5 million

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 6, 2008

Drug pushers busted for phony claims and CAN-SPAM breaches.

After a successful case brought by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a pharmaceuticals firm and its head have been fined over $2.5 million and ordered to stop spamming and misrepresenting products.

The company, Sili Neutraceuticals, and its boss Brian McDaid were found to have made false claims about the efficacy of the drugs, including weight-loss and anti-aging products, which they sold from a website advertised using spam campaigns.

With the spammed mails also violating many requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act, including using misleading subject lines and lacking adequate source information and opt-out info, McDaid and his business have been forced to cease their spamming and remove false claims from their website, as well as having their assets frozen and being ordered to pay the substantial fine.

More information on the latest success for the FTC is on their website here.

Posted on 06 February 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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