Stormy love letters

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jan 16, 2008

Storm botnet celebrates birthday with new wave of spam.

Earlier this week malware experts warned of likely increased activity of the Storm botnet around Valentine's Day next month. However, the botherders seem to have taken this as a prompt as, even though Valentine's Day is still a month away, the botnet has since been responsible for a massive new spam attack which, according to Sophos, accounted for eight per cent of all email traffic yesterday afternoon.

The emails, with subject lines such as 'Falling In Love with You' and 'You're the One', try to lure the recipient into visiting a website - from which the browser will attempt to download a piece of malware (a copy of the Storm worm) onto the user's computer.

The latest wave of activity confirms the regrettable fact that the botnet, which celebrates its first birthday in three days time, is as alive and active as ever.

More can be found on the stormy love letters at F-Secure here, at Sophos here and at Trend Micro here.

Posted on 16 January 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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