Vista fails to reassure web users

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Dec 1, 2007

50% of users don't believe Vista has made the Internet any safer.

According to a recent poll, 50% of visitors to the VB website do not believe that Windows Vista has made the Internet any safer.

On its release, Microsoft's most recent operating system was hailed by chairman Bill Gates as being 'dramatically more secure' than other operating systems, but a year after its initial roll-out only 25% of visitors to say they think it has made a positive impact on web security. One reader summed up: 'Windows Vista does an OK job of protecting itself and its users, but virus writers will find a way around it and in the end security all comes down to the human factor.'

VB's second comparative review of anti-malware products for Vista will be conducted in spring 2008.

Posted on 03 December 2007 by Virus Bulletin


vb vista


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