Webroot merges with UK managed service firm

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 29, 2007

Anti-spyware firm moves into SaaS arena

Anti-spyware specialist Webroot has announced a merger with UK-based software-as-a-service firm Email Systems, expanding its provisions from desktop security software to a full range of managed services for business.

Email Systems offers email and web management and protection services, including encryption and archiving as well as security, for corporate and ISP customers. The merged company, in which Webroot will be the clear dominant partner, will retain the Webroot name but will considerably expand on the range of products and services currently associated with the firm, best known for its SpySweeper anti-spyware product, a recent VB100 award winner, thanks to a deal to include anti-virus protection provided by Sophos.

'This merger highlights a growing trend towards consolidation and diversification in the industry', said John Hawes, technical consultant at Virus Bulletin. 'Security is becoming a much more complex and involved issue, and many firms are realising that they need to cover many more bases than they used to. Single-product firms seem likely to become a thing of the past as users demand more all-encompassing suites protecting all aspects of their systems and networks from malware, intrusions and data theft.'

More details on the merger can be found at Webroot here.

Posted on 29 November 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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