Symantec joins data leak frenzy

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 8, 2007

Vontu purchase latest move in data protection trend.

Symantec has announced the $350 million purchase of data leak prevention firm Vontu, following several similar moves by major security players in recent months.

San Francisco-based Vontu claims 1 in 4 Fortune 100 companies as customers for its range of data protection solutions, which will be integrated into various parts of the Symantec range as part of its 'Security 2.0' plans for future developments. The deal is expected to complete by the end of the year, with the purchase being made in a mixture of cash and 'assumed options'.

Other recent forays into the data leak prevention market have been made by Trend Micro, who purchased Provilla last month, and WebSense who bought a similar firm in January, while McAfee launched its own data-monitoring product in February.

More details of the Symantec deal are at Symantec here or at Vontu here.

Posted on 08 November 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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