What's in a number?

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Oct 1, 2007

Latest round of spam stats.

According to various reports last month, spam now accounts for 83%, 85%, 91.9% or 95% of all emails received. Regardless of the inconsistencies, the figures (released by various tech firms, consultancies and analysts) do all put the total volume of spam at a very high level.

However, now that spam has reached such levels, one wonders how many users are actually interested in these statistics any longer - there can be few email users that don't know the extent of the problem, and the release of such figures seems to be little more than a monthly round of trivia. One also wonders when ISPs will start filtering outgoing spam to cut their own costs - this can't be good for their bottom line.

Posted on 01 October 2007 by Virus Bulletin


spam statistics


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