Sender authentication checks on the rise

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Sep 1, 2007

SPF records creep into top ten content triggers checked by ISPs.

A report by email marketing software provider Lyris has revealed that use of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) email authentication check is on the rise among ISPs. The company conducts quarterly research studies of deliverability rates for permission-based email marketing messages, and the Q2 2007 study revealed that SPF authentication checks are now among the top ten content triggers checked by ISPs to determine whether an email is legitimate.

Stefan Pollard, of marketing solutions provider EmailLabs, says, 'This is the first time we've seen SPF checks start to creep into content filter tests, which means that receivers are starting to verify that a sender's SPF authentication record is accurate.' Pollard urged legitimate email marketers to ensure that their records are accurate and kept up to date.

Posted on 01 September 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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