Spoof Spamhaus ads spammed out

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jul 10, 2007

Mail campaign claims to promote spam fighters.

Spam-fighting organisation Spamhaus has been subjected to an attack on its reputation this week, with a sizeable campaign of spams containing promotional information about the company and the services it provides.

The 'Joe-Job' emails come from faked sender addresses and use typically nonsensical, randomly generated subject lines, but the body of the mail contains genuine information about the Spamhaus Project, gathered from its website. The messages contain no web or email addresses for Spamhaus, but appear to be an attempt to DDoS the project's Geneva-based phone lines and postbag.

The attack is the latest in a string of attacks on the organisation, including several such mail campaigns and a long-running DDoS bombardment, but is notable for the size of the spam run. Some information on attacks suffered by Spamhaus is here, and spam-watchers have blogged on the latest campaign here (at McAfee) and here (at Sophos).

Posted on 10 July 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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