Symantec sued for false positive

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jun 1, 2007

Chinese FP issue leads to court case.

A Chinese lawyer has begun court proceedings against security firm Symantec, claiming damages as a result of the widely-publicised false positive the product raised against a vital Windows component two weeks ago.

Speculation about possible compensation payments has been in the air ever since the incident, which lasted a few hours on 18 May and is thought to have affected tens of thousands of users across China. Now a Guangdong Province lawyer is seeking a payment of around $213 for the effects of the false positive on his system, and success in the case could lead to many more suits being brought by other users hit by the issue.

More details can be found at Chinese news agency Xinhua, here, with some comment from Mary Landesman at here.

Posted on 01 June 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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