FBI serves up Operation Bot Roast

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jun 14, 2007

Investigations identify more than 1 million victim IP addresses.

The FBI has announced the results of an ongoing initiative, dubbed 'Operation Bot Roast', which is aimed at disrupting botnet activities and raising public awareness of botnets.

According to the FBI's press release, investigations have identified more than one million victim IP addresses, the owners of which will be notified by the FBI in cooperation with industry partners that include the Carnegie Mellon CERT Coordination Center, Microsoft and the Botnet Task Force.

Three botherders have so far been charged or arrested as part of Operation Bot Roast, and the FBI pledges that it will continue to aggressively investigate individuals that conduct cyber criminal acts.

A panel of US and European law enforcement representatives, including FBI members, will speak at VB2007 in Vienna (19-21 September), providing insights into the workings of the world's police forces against Internet crime. More details about VB2007, including the full programme and online registration can be found here.

Posted on 14 June 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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