Google buys into security

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   May 30, 2007

Google makes stealth purchase of security firm.

Search and entertainment giant Google completed the purchase of Internet security firm GreenBorder Technologies in mid-May - but hasn't so much as mentioned the acquisition, even on its new Google Online Security Blog.

GreenBorder operates using what it terms 'just-in-time virtualization' technology. When a web browser is launched an extensible operating environment, or virtual session, is established around the browser, thus separating it (and any new windows spawned through the browser) from the operating system.

As a result, any malicious content downloaded and run through the browser is prevented from having any direct access to the operating system.

Since Google has not outlined any plans for the Green Border technology (or even made any comment on its purchase so far), speculation has been rife as to what the company do with the acquired technology: bloggers have speculated that the company could offer a security service, much like Microsoft's Windows OneCare, and that Google may well rebrand and release GreenBorder's software as a free download or as an addition to the Google Toolbar, while others have suggested that the technology will be used to better secure Google's increasing range of online applications.

Free downloads of GreenBorder software are no longer available from, although existing customers have been advised that they will continue to receive support until the end of their current subscriptions.

Posted on 30 May 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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