1.4 million Chinese infected over holiday week

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   May 11, 2007

May vacations bring trojan avalanche for gamers and filesharers.

Chinese computers, in heavy use with many people off work for the Labour Day holiday week, have suffered a major surge in malware infections, as a surge in the number of people browsing the web, shopping online, sharing files and playing online games has led to a similar surge in virus, trojan and spyware activity.

Local security and anti-virus company Kingsoft has reported over 1.4 million infections discovered, an alarming rise of over 30% on the same period last year, and the company's spokesman warned of a variety of malicious programs stealing banking and gaming details.

China is renowned for the huge popularity of online gaming among its citizens, with money to be made from hacked accounts making it a draw for hackers, and widespread use of filesharing and massive online file repositories make fertile ground for file-infectors like Fujacks.

The figures are reported by China's Xinhua news agency, here. Kaspersky Lab includes an in-depth study of the problems facing Chinese computer users in its latest 'Malware Evolution' report, here.

Posted on 11 May 2007 by Virus Bulletin



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