Trend takes over HijackThis

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Mar 14, 2007

Popular free spyware-spotting tool acquired by security giant.

Trend Micro has announced the acquisition of HijackThis, the popular freely available tool designed to reveal hidden spyware infections.

HijackThis, which has reportedly been downloaded over 10,000,000 times, was developed by Merijn Bellekom from the Netherlands. Bellekom has produced several other anti-spyware tools including CWShredder, now also managed by Trend. There are no plans to introduce charges for the tool in the immediate future.

The software creates a detailed log of changes to registry entries and other possible signs of an infection, which can then be parsed to glean details of how to clean a system. Recent versions of the software also include process management facilities and other tools. Many sites, particularly community anti-malware projects, offer expert log-checking services, and the new owners are expected to add functionality to the product including an option to send logs to Trend for analysis.

No official announcement has yet emerged from Trend, but the product, rebranded Trend HijackThis, can be found at the Trend website here, and a brief statement from the original creator is currently on his own site, here.

Posted on 14 March 2007 by Virus Bulletin




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