MySpace sues Spam King

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jan 24, 2007

Serial spammer faces more fines for abusing social system.

Regular spammer and lawsuit loser Scott Richter, last seen being sued by Infinite Monkeys, faces more legal and financial trouble and the social ignominy of being barred from the popular MySpace, after the social site brought a civil case against him for spamming its users.

Richter is alleged to have gathered a list of phished accounts and used them to launch several million inter-user messages promoting various products, including clothing and ring tones. His activities are thought to be in violation of both CAN-SPAM and California state anti-spam laws.

The case was filed in a Los Angeles court on Friday, requesting Richter be permanently barred from the MySpace site as well as an unspecified amount in financial damages.

Posted on 24 January 2007 by Virus Bulletin




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