Zango still in spyware game

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 21, 2006

Dodgy tactics continue despite ruling.

Several researchers have complained that adware-fuelled media company Zango continues to use deceptive practices, despite the recent case brought against it by the FTC, in which it was fined $3 million and ordered to cease such activities.

During the case, Zango insisted that it had already cleaned up its act, and that none of the devious installation techniques it were accused of had been in use by the company since January this year. However, two separate groups of researchers have presented evidence that the practices continue, even after the legal settlement.

Spyware watchers Ben Edelman and Eric Howes have released a thorough study of Zango installation routines, clearly showing the lack of clear disclosure during installation and the absence of source data from pop-up ads. The study includes screenshots and video demonstrations of deceptions in action.

Elsewhere, the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) has sent a formal complaint to the FTC, including more evidence that the terms of the settlement continue to be broken and urging the FTC to insist Zango apologises for its earlier statement, and to monitor the company closely in future to ensure compliance. The complaint is available from the CDT website (PDF format), here.

Posted on 21 November 2006 by Virus Bulletin




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