Sony DRM/AOL combo breaks computers

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Sep 14, 2006

Anti-spyware tool attacks rootkit, kills CD drive.

An alert has been issued by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, warning that an anti-spyware product from AOL has a defect which blocks all access to the CD drive while trying to remove the rootkit planted by Sony's XCP copy-protection software.

The anti-spyware part of the AOL Safety and Security Center product is based on CA's Pest Patrol software, in which the bug has been fixed for some time; however, the patch has yet to make its way into the version provided by the web giants.

The Texas Attorney General, who along with many others is in the process of suing Sony BMG for releasing the rootkit, estimates 3.4 million CDs carrying the rootkit are still in circulation, despite a recall by Sony after the discovery of the tactic caused widespread outcry.

The Texan announcement, along with an FAQ about the Sony rootkit, can be seen here.

Find out more about fighting rootkits at the Virus Bulletin conference (11-13 October, Montréal), where Martin Overton (IBM) will present his paper 'Rootkits: risks, issues and prevention'.

See the full programme here or click here to register now.

Posted on 14 September 2006 by Virus Bulletin




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