Phishers target more charities

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Aug 18, 2006

Christian Aid warns supporters of bogus emails, while Katrina phishmaster is indicted.

Church charity organisation Christian Aid has released a statement warning supporters to be wary of a series of phishing emails, purporting to come from the accounts departments of various church-related charities and aid agencies. Many of the spammed mails request bank details and other personal information in order to process donations, while others imply the recipient has won a lottery run by one of the charities.

A similarly tasteless target exploited by phishing scams, the Hurricane Katrina relief project, has seen an indictment in recent days. A man from Miami, Florida, is accused of creating phishing kits, templates for websites used to trick victims out of their bank details, and selling them on to scammers hoping to exploit the Red Cross and other aid agencies involved in the hurricane-afflicted region.

Read more about the Christian Aid announcement here, and see here or here for reports on the Katrina indictment.

Posted on 18 August 2006 by Virus Bulletin




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