MS06-040 fears spread

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Aug 15, 2006

Exploit worm stories continue to appear, but threat believed minor.

Reports are proliferating across the Internet, warning of the dangers faced by users of older operating systems from worms exploiting the vulnerability patched by Microsoft's MS06-040 release last week. At least two separate worms, variously named Cuebot, Wargbot, MocBot, and Graweg, are reported to be taking advantage of the flaw.

The flames of fear were fanned last week by an announcement from the US Department of Homeland Security, instructing Windows-using citizens to get themselves up to date. With the vulnerability only affecting unpatched machines running Windows 2000 and versions of XP before Service Pack 2, and AV companies releasing detection updates for the worms over the weekend, the dangers of a widespread epidemic are generally agreed to be minimal.

See some of the many reports about the worms here, here or here, and check the statement from the Department of Homeland Security here. Microsoft's MS06-040 patch is available here.

Posted on 15 August 2006 by Virus Bulletin




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