Posted by Virus Bulletin on May 1, 2006
OECD issues 'Recommendation on Cross-Border Cooperation in the Enforcement of Laws against Spam'.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has called on governments and industry across the world to step up their coordination to combat the global problem of spam.
A new set of recommendations issued by the OECD last month calls for the establishment of clear national anti-spam policies and for anti-spam law enforcement bodies to be given greater power and resources globally. The 'Recommendation on Cross-Border Cooperation in the Enforcement of Laws against Spam' urges governments to ensure that their laws enable authorities to share information with other countries. It also recommends that each country establish a single national contact point to facilitate rapid and effective international cooperation.
The set of recommendations form part of the OECD's Anti-Spam Toolkit, which is designed to provide policy makers from across the world with a comprehensive package of regulatory approaches, technical solutions, and industry initiatives to fight spam. The Anti-Spam Toolkit is available online at
Posted on 01 May 2006 by Virus Bulletin