Trend ousts McAfee on Hotmail

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Dec 21, 2004

Trend Micro to take over from McAfee as new provider of virus scanning for MSN.

Trend Micro has announced that it is to be the new provider of virus scanning for Microsoft's MSN Hotmail customers. Rival firm McAfee Inc. has provided anti-virus scanning for MSN since 2000, but this year the deal has gone to Trend Micro.

The deal is likely to give Trend some much sought-after exposure in the consumer market - with the company set to provide anti-virus scanning for more than 187 million Hotmail email accounts.

In a statement, Steve Chang, chairman and founder of Trend Micro, said: 'We have numerous years of experience and knowledge in this industry, and are committed to our vision of creating a world safe for exchanging digital information. This belief is behind everything we do for every customer we serve. We are thrilled to extend this to millions more.'

Trend Micro Inc.'s share price rose 9 per cent to near a four-year high following the announcement yesterday, while McAfee Inc.'s shares fell by about 8 per cent.

Posted on 21 December 2004 by Virus Bulletin




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