Posted by Virus Bulletin on Nov 29, 2004
Do women hate spam more than men? Are humans better at identifying spam than computers? Make your contribution to (anti-)spam research...
John Graham-Cumming, author of POPFile and compiler of the Spammers' Compendium has put together a survey about people's experiences with spam.
The online survey asks respondents about themselves, their attitude towards spam and anti-spam and their experiences with spam filters.
The survey culminates with a short exercise where the respondent is asked to act as a human spam filter - the idea behind this exercise being to determine whether humans are more efficient at identifying spam than computers.
The results of the survey promise to make fascinating reading, but we will have to wait until early 2005 for their unveiling.
In the meantime, visit John's site to contribute to the spam and anti-spam survey.
Posted on 29 November 2004 by Virus Bulletin