29A virus writer sentenced

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 18, 2004

Member of notorious virus-writing group found guilty.

A Russian virus writer has been found guilty of creating viruses and fined the somewhat paltry sum of 3,000 roubles.

Eugene Suchkov, a member of the notorious 29A virus-writing group, admitted to writing W32/Stepan and MSIL/Gastropod and posting the virus code on various websites.

Suchkov's 3,000 rouble fine (equivalent to approximately £57) is possibly the lightest sentence VB has seen handed to a convicted virus writer. Indeed, the AV industry has been up in arms over the leniency of far harsher sentences:

- Tougher sentencing

- Charity begins at home

- Melissa creator vacationing at Club Fed

Full details of the Microsoft .NET-infecting Gastropod can be found in the December 2004 issue of Virus Bulletin.

Posted on 18 November 2004 by Virus Bulletin




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