Action plan on spam

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Oct 13, 2004

15 countries sign up to international action plan on spam.

A total of 15 countries have signed up to the London Action Plan - an international action plan designed to encourage communication and cooperation between countries in tackling spam and spam-related problems.

Those government bodies that have signed up to the plan have made commitments to:

  • Encouraging communication and coordination between agencies to achieve efficient and effective enforcement.
  • Regular conference calls to discuss: cases, legislative developments, investigative techniques, ways to address obstacles to enforcement, consumer and business education projects.
  • Encouraging dialogue between government agencies and private sector representatives to promote ways to support government agencies in bringing spam cases and pursue their own initiatives to fight spam.

Private-sector representatives that have signed up to the plan made commitments that include:

  • Establishing a designated contact within an organisation to facilitate responses and requests for enforcement related assistance from spam enforcement agencies.
  • Work with other private sector representatives to establish a resource list of individuals within particular sectors working on spam enforcement.
  • Participation in conference calls to assist law enforcement agencies in bringing spam cases and provide information on cases, new technology, trends in internet and spam and general data on spam as an early warning mechanism for government agencies.
  • Assisting in training for government agencies to help their investigations and to bring spam cases assisting government agencies in understanding the best ways to request information from them.

A list of the bodies that have signed the action plan can be found here.

Representatives signed up to the plan at a conference of international spam enforcement agencies hosted by the UK's Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in London.

Posted on 13 October 2004 by Virus Bulletin




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