Ahnlab partners with Sina.com

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jan 13, 2004

Ahnlab gets major ASP deal in China.

Ahnlab has acquired a major stepping-stone into the Chinese domestic market, according to an article published by the Korea Herald, by signing a contract with Sina.com, China's monolithic Internet portal/media company.

Ahnlab will provide three security solutions: online vaccine, real-time firewall and keyboard protection, on an application service provider basis - the company hosts the applications and customers rent the use of them. You can find out more about Ahnlab's Security ASP offerings on the company's website.

To say China represents a large potential market is something of an understatement, although any foreign company seeking to penetrate it has to contend both with a plethora of local anti-virus companies and with the established presence of Symantec and Trend Micro. Those who are interested can find out more about China's anti-virus market/industry here.

Posted on 13 January 2004 by Virus Bulletin




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