Stocking Fillers

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Dec 4, 2002

It's that time of year again when we're frantically scouring the shopping malls for something unique and meaningful to give to our loved ones. Coincidentally, it's also that time of year when VB turns out its stock cupboards and puts some truly fabulous merchandise up for grabs.

It's that time of year again when we're either frantically scouring the shopping malls for something unique and meaningful to give to our loved ones or else being pestered by friends and family to tell them what they should give the IT security specialist in their life for Christmas.

Coincidentally, it's also that time of year when VB turns out its stock cupboards and puts some truly fabulous merchandise up for grabs.

From the Corners of the Earth

The goods have travelled the globe, crossed the Atlantic four times, spent countless days in Memphis (paid homage to Elvis at Graceland?), survived hurricane season in the American Deep South, and we can confirm that the FDA were unable to detect any suspicious substances associated with them.

This season's must-have item for the anti-virus expert about town is the VB2002 t-shirt. One hundred per cent cotton and machine-washable, this versatile garment can be worn with anything. At the bargain price of £5, this is a gift friends and family will thank you for. (Available in XL size only.)

To complete the look, why not treat yourself or your loved ones to a limited edition Virus Bulletin back pack? The perfect size for carrying a laptop, this stylish black canvas bag with silver logo can be used back-pack style or with a shoulder strap. With potential to become a collector's item, this back pack makes the perfect gift at a very reasonable £20.

If you missed the VB conference, there are still copies of the VB2002 proceedings available, on CD or in printed format. This 500-page tome comprising papers from 36 of the world's top anti-virus experts is priced at £64.50 (postage and packing will be charged on the printed copy).

If any of these items tickle your fancy, please contact Bernadette Disborough at [email protected] or call on +44 1235 555139. Remember, these items are available only while stocks last!

Posted on 04 December 2002 by Virus Bulletin




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